Notorious BIG - Legendary Life

The legacy of a man is not determined by the success' in his life but the number of lives a man touches.  There are many people that would disagree with me.  We as a society sometimes put emphasis on content and not character.  The Notorious BIG aka Christopher Wallace was a man that had fortune, fame, success, and much more.  Yet his life is remembered and endeared for more than his music.
 Do I believe that he would be as loved without his music?  Yes I do.  Maybe on a smaller scale but there are people that cherish him for more then his music.  I do believe his music helped many more people see what those close to him already knew!  Sometimes the celebrity lifestyle blinds us to the real individual that is on the silver screen or in this case the airwaves.  Good or bad we get caught up on the hype of an individual.  Yet sometimes the humanity of a man shines no matter the obstacles in the way.  I believe there are those few born stars that transcend age, time, location, and social status.

Notorious BIG is one of those people.  Now many will say because of his musics portrayal of violence and degradation of women that he should not be placed in a status of reverence.  We all know that what one sees and depicts in his life does not define that person.  We experience things and they change us.  These experience molds our minds into the codes we live by.  Sometimes those experiences do harm and sometimes they do good.  Yet, one thing is for sure.  We can always change and go on to do better from whence we came.  BIG was able to use his music to change his life.  He then began to touch others through the use of his music.  Some, no most, get caught in the literal terms.  Though many know that his stance never wavered.  His belief in doing better and being better was what he, and us all, search for.  

So it is not a surprise that on his bday his music is played in all corners of the world.  Tributes in his hometown and towns that he may never even been to do the same.  More so then for the celebration of a musician.  We celebrate BIG because he gave us hope to aspire from more then what we are.  If a man such as him growing up in his circumstance can change, adapt, and grow to something better it gives us all hope.  Hope that the world can't hold us down.  Hope that no matter our transgressions we can rise above it all.  Hope that with the determination and passion that BIG had for his goals and dreams we to can make it.  

I loved BIG's music but I loved the man more.  I never met him but I know of who he is.  He is all of us potentially.  He is the american dream.  BIG shows us that if you believe the the sky's the limit!

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