Movie Night

Man on my second try out with this blogging world I'm dumbfounded.  The first one was a breeze.  I just wrote with out any thought.  I wrote what I felt and what I wanted to say.  I spewed emotions and words spat out on the screen.  I just felt the syllables forming on my tongue and began to type.  Then like every other time I screw up in life I start over thinking the whole thing.  I start saying things like, "What would be good to talk about," or "I should have a theme so people can enjoy my topics."  Trust me, you want to drive yourself crazy start conjuring thoughts of how to please other folks.  Then I'm sulking at home wondering, "what's next for me" and "where do I go from here" bullshit.  So I turn to something that has helped me in times of crisis before.  A movie.  I watch it and it wasn't so bad (I'll get back to this movie in another blurb).  Then it hits me.
Si Fi writes what Si Fi likes.  Simple as that.  I like watching movies.  The diarrhea of words begin.    

I am a movie fanatic at times.  When I'm happy I watch a movie.  When I'm sad I watch a movie.  When I want to escape from the world I watch a movie.  When I want to feel apart of the world I watch a movie.  Yes, I know like my fob Aunt's and Uncle's always tell me "Go read something, it's good for you!"  I do read, not as often as I should, but I do.  Yet, there is nothing like a movie.  No better yet there's nothing like a good movie and yet a crappy movie can be just as enjoying if your expectations are in the right place.  What I'm trying to say is that there is something about sitting down in a rickety red seat, plopping down in your favorite chair, or going over to a friends house to watch a movie.  The excitement of waiting to see what's next in a life that isn't of your own.  Waiting to see that climactic point or fearing a critical scene.  Hoping for the best or knowing that the worse is yet to come.  For me it is the anticipation of it all that drives me to pay exuberant prices at a ticket window.  Paying for subscription fees and late charges (although I appreciate coming into a realm that those are few and far between).  In our own lives if we wait to see what happens next then we will miss the entire show.  Yet, I can divulge my senses for a few hours in a world that will not pass me by.

I think what separates movies from books is simply community.  Now with books it is a personal thing.  You take time out of your day and grab a good novel.  Find a peaceful spot under a tree and tear into a really good chapter.  Sure you can hope to find someone else that has read the same title as you have and discuss endlessly on what the author was trying to say.  You can agree with others or disagree on speculative ideas concerning what you read but the reading is only yours.  The act can not be shared with others because no matter how hard your parents would love to see their kids reading to each other, in this day and age it ain't happening!  Reading is like God and I'm sure I will be called everything under the sun for that comparison but I believe it so.  Both the aforementioned terms are something you and you alone can experience.  No once can bring you to God but yourself just like no one can make you read a book.  You either want to do it by yourself or you don't.  I gotta say it, reading is fundamental lol.  Cliche sure but it's true and yet no one can do it for you it is a personal thing.  Far different from movies.

A movie is a group thing.  Yeah I know you can watch movies by yourself but it's still a group thing.  The creation of a movie alone signals how much communion is necessary for it's production.  While you sit there watching it yourself you begin thinking about how someone reminds you of that character on screen or that you say to yourself "man that's exactly how my mother yells at my dad."  Not to mention just the whole going to a movie theater experience.  Public rows of eyes gazing into a ginormous screen laughing at the same precise moments and tearing up at exactly the right spots.  No way homey, it is very much a dynamic made for more then a few.  It's intent alone was to bring waves of people interested in the same subjects to take in a picture or drive up to the squawk box.  A prime example is that with this age of technology and the dawn of an era where you never have to leave your house to enjoy the cinema, box offices are brimming with movie goers (aside from this whole recession mess but you get me)!  It's becoming second nature to us all.  The phrase "Nothing on TV" normally follows with "You want to watch a movie?"  Unless you are lucky enough to well get lucky.  Although you can view movies alone I guarantee you you would rather be watching with company.  Just like you can enjoy pleasures alone but you get my drift.  Movies are definitely a gangbang.....I mean a group thing LMAO!

So all this talk about movies led me to this conclusion.  Everyone out in this cyber world is a critic why not me?  No I will not be watching every single freaking movie and critiquing it!  Yet I will have some of my favorites, good/bad, and sharing my thoughts with all the other nobodies reading this human spew of senseless speech.  Till we meet again strangers.
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